164 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Impact of ICT to the Tourism Development

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    Technological development and tourism is close connected since exponential growth is realized in both areas in last 50 years. Information and communication technology influence on global scale on tourism development, and tourism development change the business practice and development strategies. Three new systems has dramatically influence on tactical and strategic level of doing business, computer reservation systems, global distribution system and Internet. Technological changes are obvious in three directions: radical changes in existing industries, development of new industries, incentive of new market development and industries which are not in direct connection with new technologies. The aim of this paper is to point on new technologies development on tourism thru overview of previous research. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Revisiting the Impact of ICT to the Tourism Development

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    Technological development and tourism is close connected since exponential growth is realized in both areas in last 50 years. Information and communication technology influence on global scale on tourism development, and tourism development change the business practice and development strategies. Three new systems has dramatically influence on tactical and strategic level of doing business, computer reservation systems, global distribution system and Internet. Technological changes are obvious in three directions: radical changes in existing industries, development of new industries, incentive of new market development and industries which are not in direct connection with new technologies. The aim of this paper is to point on new technologies development on tourism thru overview of previous research. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    This text is dealing with attempt of Management department, of Technical faculty in Bor, todevelop and further sustain the „entrepreneurial spirit“among young people. The subject of the paperis the HP LIFE program, in which Technical faculty in Bor is the only partner institution from Serbia.Besides up-to-date IT equipment obtained by Hewlett Packard in previous phases of this project,during 2012 this project was financially sustained by the Serbian institution „Centre for promotionof science“. This support will increase the scope of project activities during this year, including newtarget groups


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    This paper presents the comparison of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (MLRA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as the statistical analysis tools. Most influential statistical parameters for choosing right modeling tool are evaluated in this investigation. Investigation was performed on real statistical data set obtained after measurements of the process parameters underindustrial conditions

    Possibilities for development of business cluster network between SMEs from Visegrad countries and Serbia

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    This issue of Serbian Journal of Management (SJM 9(2) 2014), besides containing regular researchpapers, is containing the papers which resulted from the project “Possibilities for development ofbusiness cluster network between SMEs from Visegrad countries and Serbia” and the InternationalMay Conference on Strategic Management – IMKSM2014 (http://mksm.sjm06.com ). Themanuscripts: Entrepreneurs of the Future (Lazani, 2014); The level of process management principlesapplication in SMEs in the selected region of the Czech Republic (Rolinek et al., 2014) and Roles ofSocialisation in Strengthening the labour-market positions of young entrants (Marosi, 2014) are thedirect result of the Project, which was approved and financially supported by the Visegrad Fund(http://visegradfund.org ). On the other hand, the manuscript Workspace as a factor of job satisfactionin the banking and ICT industries in Macedonia (Tomovska, et al., 2014) and Organizational routinesin russian companies - review of practicesis (Valieva, 2014) are resulting from the IMKSM2014


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    This paper presents the results of attempt to perform modeling of SO2concentration in urban area in vicinity of copper smelter in Bor (Serbia), using ANFIS methodological approach. The aim of obtained model was to develop a prediction tool that will be used to calculate potential SO2 concentration, above prescribed limitation, based on input parameters. As predictors, both technogenic and meteorological input parameters were considered. Accordingly, the dependence of SO2concentration was modeled as the function of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity and amount sulfur emitted from the pyrometallurgical process of sulfidic copper concentration treatment

    Development of the algorithm for selection of appropriate numerical modeling approach

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    Ova doktorska disertacija ima za cilj definisanje jedinstvenog algoritma, koji će omogućiti selekciju najadekvatnijeg načina modelovanja kompleksnih tehnoloških sistema, zasnovano na karakteristikama ulaznih i izlaznih veličina izmerenih na samom sistemu, kao i na njihovim korelacijama. U polaznim poglavljima disertacije opisuju se različiti pristupi modelovanju, dostupni u savremenoj literaturi, dok se u nastavku analizira primenjivoh svakog pristupa na optimizaciju stvarnog tehnološkog procesa. Na taj način, prvi teo disertacije predstavlja opseg potencijalnih opcija i dostupnih tehnika za modelovanje kompleksnih sistema. Drugi deo se bavi analizom primenjivosti svakog od pristupa modelovanju, zasnovano na strukturi sistema i opsegu ulaznih veličina razmatranog sistema. Sve navedene teorijske pretpostavke su potom podržane primerima numeričkih modela, stvarnih tehnoloških sistema, koje su rezultovale adekvatnim zaključcima. Na kraju, istraživanje na ovoj disertaciji je rezultovalo razvojem algoritma koji se može koristiti za selekciju adekvatnom pristupa numeričkom modelovanju, za različite tehnološke sisteme, zasnovano na strukturi ulaznih podataka

    Geoekološko vrednovanje reljefa Odorovskog polja primenom GIS-a

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    U radu je detaljno analizirano kraško polje u istočnoj Srbiji sa ciljem vrednovanja terena za potrebe turizma, rekreacije i izgradnje infrastrukturnih objekata. Primena GIS-a u geoekološkom vrednovanju reljefa Odorovskog polja omogućava efikasno prikupljanje i organizovanje prostornih podataka, čijim se kombinovanjem i analizom identifikuju područja sa posebnim geološkim karakteristikama, kao i potencijalne lokacije za turističke objekte i infrastrukturu. Takođe, omogućava donošenje relevantnih odluka o razvoju turističkih destinacija i efikasno planiranje izgradnje objekata u skladu sa geološkim karakteristikama i zahtevima očuvanja prirode. Pored toga, može se koristiti i za identifikaciju i analizu rizika koji mogu uticati na turističke aktivnosti i izgradnju objekata. Kroz integraciju prostornih podataka i analitičkih alata, GIS pruža informacije potrebne za precizne odluke i održivo planiranje, što rezultira unapređenju upravljanja i optimalnim korišćenjem potencijala ovog područja u turističke i druge svrhe


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    U ovom radu se numeričkom analizom rešava problem sastava mešavine u postupku proizvodnje bakra. Cilj je definisati optimalni sastav šarže koncentrata bakra, koja se koristi u pirometalurškom procesu proizvodnje bakra. U tu svrhu je razvijen i prilagođen matematički model koji odgovara konkretnom problemu. U modelu je predložena funkcija cilja koja maksimizira profit tako što izračunava prihod ostvaren prodajom korisnih proizvoda na tržište (Cu, Ag, Au) i izdataka za nabavku sirovina. Osim osnovnih ograničenja, koja su u literaturi definisana za problem sastava mešavine, razvijena su i ograničenja koja uvažavaju specifičnan proces proizvodnje bakra, kao i ekološke zahteve. Na ovaj način se predlaže model koji usklađuje tri kontradiktorna zahtjeva u proizvodnji bakra: ekonomski, tehnološki i ekološki. Polaznu osnovu za optimizaciju čine osam različitih koncentrata bakra, koji su bili dostupni na tržištu u trenutku ovog istraživanja. Optimizacija je urađena korišćenjem softverskog programa MATHEMATICA v 8.0. Rezultati dobijeni numeričkim eksperimentima potvrđuju pretpostavku da je moguće sastaviti optimalnu šaržu koja će uskladiti sve kontradiktorne zahteve. Uz manje izmene, model se može primeniti i na druge slične procese proizvodnje